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Sumac Berry (Rhus Glabra) Bulk

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Product Description

Used extensively by Native Americans for food and medicine. Young shoots and roots are peeled and eaten raw. The fruit is also eaten raw, cooked or made into a lemonade-like drink. The active constituents in Sumac are being studied for use in many diseases some possible applications are in the treatment of TB, diabetes, and some cancers. The plant contains Calcium malate, Dihydrofisetin, Fisetin, Iodine, Gallic-acid-methylester, tannic and gallic acids, Selenium, Tartaric-acid, and many beneficial minerals. An infusion of the bark or roots is alterative, antiseptic, astringent, diuretic, galactogogue, haemostatic, rubefacient and tonic. It is used in alternative medicine for the treatment of colds, diarrhea, fevers, general debility, to increase the flow of breast milk, sore mouths and throats, rectal bleeding, inflammation of the bladder and painful urination, retention of urine and dysentery and is applied externally to treat excessive vaginal discharge, burns and skin eruptions. The powdered bark is made into a good antiseptic salve. An infusion of the leaves is used for asthma, diarrhea and stomatosis. A poultice of the leaves used to treat skin rashes. The leaves also chewed for sore gums and rubbed on sore lips. An infusion of the berries is diuretic, emetic, emmenagogue, purgative and refrigerant. It is used in the treatment of late-onset diabetes, constipated bowel complaints, febrile diseases, dysmenorrhoea (painful or difficult menstruation). The berries have been chewed as a remedy for bed-wetting. An infusion of the blossoms used as an eye wash for sore eyes. The milky latex from the plant is used as a salve on sores. When broken or cut the plant produces a milky substance which forms a solid gum-like body or gall, containing large quantities of tannic and gallic acid. These galls are used in tanning leather. A medicinal wine can also be prepared from them. An oil extracted from the seeds is used in making candles. Brown, red, and black dye are obtained from the berries, said to be excellent for wool.

Berry clusters can also be used in dried arrangements and crafts, they hold their shape and color for years if stored properly. These small trees have stunning red pinnate leaves in autumn. They hang on to the berries all winter, until pushed off by new spring buds. All the sumac bushes with red berries are non poisonous. Poison Sumac has drooping white berries and is a skin irritant of the worst kind.

Believed by some Native American tribes to foretell the weather and the changing of the seasons, for this reason it was held as a sacred plant.

Cooling Drink: To a handful of berries add 2 cups cold water, let site overnight in cool place, do not heat or liquid will become bitter and astringent. Strain and sweeten to taste.

Botanical Name: Rhus glabra
Origin: USA
Notes: aka Dwarf Sumac, Mountain Sumac, Scarlet Sumac, Smooth Sumac, Upland Sumac, White Shoemake, Vinegar-tree, Red sumac. Non-irradiated. Certified Kosher.
Precautions: none known

Specifications may change without notice.
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Read More About It
Forms of Herbal Preparations

A Study of Rhus Glabra by Edward Lee Greene

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