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Respiratory Calmpound Liquid Extract Herbalist & Alchemist

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Product Description




Reishi mushroom (G. sinensis, G. lucidum), Reishi mycelium, autumn-gathered Ginkgo leaf (Ginkgo biloba), Khella seed (Amni visnaga), Lobelia herb in seed (Lobelia inflata) and Licorice root (Glycerrhiza glabra)

Suggested Use 40-60 drops (2-3 ml) taken 3-4 times per day.
Structure Function Claim* Supports Respiratory Function*
Contraindications Not for use in pregnancy or while lactating. Do not use if you have a mushroom allergy.
Additional Recommendations Asthma often has allergy and stress components. For allergic asthma avoid as much as possible exposure to chlorinated pools and showers, animal dander, dust mites, cockroaches, heavily polluted (with particulates) air, cigarette smoke and foods containing sulfites. Food allergies (dairy and wheat allergies being the most common) may contribute to asthma as well. Avoiding these foods may be helpful as well as increasing consumption of beneficial foods like sources of carotenoids (sweet potatoes, winter squashes, apricots, carrots, beets, pumpkin, etc.). Also important are antioxidants like Vitamins A, B-complex, C, E and selenium, as well as magnesium, quercitin, bromelain and essential fatty acids especially fish oils.
Additional Useful Herbs Mullein leaf tea (strain through cheesecloth or a coffee filter), Elecampane, Thyme. For dry asthma use yin tonics such as Chinese Asparagus root, Ophiopogon or Prince Seng.

Reishi mushroom (G. lucidum, G. sinense) *

A powerful immune amphoteric and adaptogen. It reduces histamine production, decreasing allergic response especially to pollens. Reishi also calms the shen (mind), normalizes endocrine activity and strengthens liver function, all of which help to reduce many of the factors which contribute to asthma.

Ginkgo leaf (G. biloba) *

Known for its ability to increase cerebral and peripheral circulation. In addition to these activities, Ginkgo is a potent anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and PAF antagonist.

Khella seed (Ammi visnaga) *

An ancient Egyptian medicinal plant. Rich in a chemical called Khellin, it acts as a powerful antispasmodic to the small bronchi. Its effects are long lasting and are useful in preventing asthma attacks, especially at night.

Lobelia herb in seed (Lobelia inflata) *

Used for thousands of years by Native Americans then later by Thomsonian and Eclectic physicians as a strong antispasmodic to the lungs, diaphragm, heart and musculo-skeletal system.

Licorice root (Glycerrhiza glabra) *

Has a long history of use as a food, flavor and medicine. It is an adaptogen, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, immune amphoteric, expectorant, demulcent and anti-tussive. It reduces cough spasms and allergic response, especially to animal dander and dust mites, and harmonizes formulas such as this one, reducing possible irritation.

Brinker, F. The Treatment of Respiratory Allergies with Pharmaceutical and Botanical Medicines, Journal of Naturopathic Medicine vol. 4 #1, 1993
, C. Medicinal Mushrooms, Santa Cruz, 1995
Kuts-Cheraux, A.W. Naturae Medicina and Naturopathic Dispensatory, Yellow Springs OH, 1953
Niederkorn, J. A Handy Reference Book: Giving Briefly The Specific Indication For Remedies, Cincinnati

All H & A Formulas designed by David Winston, company founder, Herbalist (AHG), ethnobotanist, internationally known lecturer and author, who, for over 40 years has been studying, practicing, teaching and researching Cherokee, Chinese and Western herbal medicine.
ENERGETICALLY BALANCED - Traditional practitioners generally use herbs in formulas. Each herb in every one of H&A formulas is selected by David not only for its own energetics, but also for how it will act in combination with other herbs in the formula.
CLINICALLY USED - All of the formulas have been used safely and effectively by David and many other practitioners--many of them for over 20 years.
RESPECTING TRADITION - They've been crafting the highest quality herbal products since 1982 by adhering to standards rooted in the practices of ancient guilds of alchemists. Species authentication by trained botanists and hand garbling of every raw material shipment are hallmarks of their BIO-SPECIFIC(tm) process.
USING THE WHOLE PLANT - The whole is always greater than the sum of its parts. Like the old masters, they believe that all the elements of the plant are essential in making herbal preparations. In ancient times alchemists pursued the quest of true knowledge of nature. Herbalist and Alchemist believe that all the elements of the plant are essential in making herbal preparations. Thus, one of the major differences between H & A and other herbal companies is their unique whole plant extraction process. Extracts are made with the finest ingredients: organically grown or conscientiously wildcrafted herbs, pure grain alcohol U.S.P., distilled water & when appropriate, vegetable glycerin U.S.P. or organic apple cider vinegar. Each extract is formulated according to the herb's distinct chemical makeup and made using Spagyric (alchemical) processes which give them a higher mineral & energetic content than found in other extracts.
Sometimes defined as "the transformation of common substance into vital essence," alchemy is based on true knowledge of nature. They combine ancient alchemical traditions with modern science to make exceptionally high-quality herbal products.
For more info about David Winston, visit his website
Herbal Therapeutics
"Our Products are Standardized to Excellence"

Read More About It
Winston & Kuhn's Herbal Therapies and Supplements: A Scientific and Traditional Approach, 2nd ed., Wolters Kluwer, 2008, and
Adaptogens: Herbs for Strength, Stamina, and Stress Relief, Healing Arts, 2007. He is the author of Saw Palmetto for Men & Women: Herbal Healing for the Prostate, Urinary Tract, Immune System and More, Storey, 1999, Herbal Therapeutics, Specific Indications For Herbs and Herbal Formulas, HTRL, 2003, and a contributing author to American Herbalism, published in 1992 by Crossings Press. 

*FDA Disclaimer

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