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Menopause Support 450 mg 100 Caps Grandma's Herbs

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Product Description

grandmas_herbs_logo.jpg Dietary supplement
 Helps reduce hot flashes & night sweats
 Helps reduce tension & mood swings
 Herbs are carefully selected and finely ground for quick release and maximum effectiveness

Menopause (perimenopause) is the cessation of menses, the end of menstrual cycles. The unpleasant “symptoms” of menopause that some women suffer, such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and mood swings, are peculiar to Western industrialized nations and they are virtually unknown in the Far East and Third World countries. In native cultures menopause tends to be a cause for quiet celebration, a time when a woman has completed her childbearing years and is moving into a deeper level of self-discovery, and becoming a wise woman.
We know menopause as a death knell, a descent into a dried-up and painful old age of arthritis and osteoporosis. Why is there such a difference in experience between one culture and another? It seems to be a combination of poor diet, unhealthy lifestyle, environmental pollutants, cultural attitudes, the incorrect use of synthetic hormones (estrogen) and advertising. A large percentage of advertising and research dollars are spent trying to convince women that estrogen will cure everything from heart disease to Alzheimer’s, but there is scant evidence for any of these claims and reams of evidence that synthetic estrogen is highly toxic and carcinogenic.
Back in the 1920's Lydia Pinkham's tonic fell victim to modern advertising phrases like "use drugs, they're modern."
However, a group of scientists investigated her formula and found that the herb black cohosh is extremely high in the hormone estrogen. It was the natural estrogen in the black cohosh that made Lydia Pinkham's tonic so successful in helping women's complaints. It is the natural estrogen, without the side effects, that helps to soothe those frayed nerves, overcome cramping and gets the delayed menstrual period back to its regular cycle.
Black cohosh is native to this country, and was used extensively by the Native Americans, especially the midwives.
Black cohosh is used in Grandma's herbal MENOPAUSE formula. It helps the liver, kidneys and lymph system, and also aids digestion. It is a very fine nerve herb and is used in many nerve combinations to help epileptic seizures, dizziness, fainting spells, spasms, convulsions, earache, and many other nerve related problems.
In black cohosh, you will find calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and sulfur. A lady told of having cramps each month that would put her in bed for a few days. She said she tried every kind of prescription and potion along with baths and rubs but without success. When she finally got the bowel cleaned out and got some black cohosh everything got back to normal. This herbal formula is designed to help relieve the symptoms of PMS throughout menopause. Very helpful with menstrual and other female problems.

Following is a list of featured herbs contained in this formula:
BLACK COHOSH - emenagogue, will help all uterine troubles, stimulates natural estrogen production, effective in
balancing hormones, nervine for the spinal nerves, relieves menstrual cramps, safe sedative
LADY’S MANTLE - reduces heavy menstrual bleeding and cramps, improves regularity of menstrual cycle, helpful with fibroids and endometriosis, used as a douche for excessive vaginal discharge, astringent
SQUAW VINE - diuretic, astringent, tonic alterative, helps with female problems, has a tonic action on the uterus and the ovaries, taken to normalize menstruation and to relieve heavy bleeding and menstrual pain, used as a treatment for water retention, tones body tissue, healing herb
BLESSED THISTLE - good for menopause and female problems, will help with puberty, rids system of tumors, takes oxygen to the brain and helps circulation, female hormone balancer, emmenagogue
BLUE COHOSH - useful for uterine disorders, contains anti-bacterial properties to calm nerves, relieves muscular pain, used by Native Americans for cramps and menstrual problems, regulates menstrual cycle
FALSE UNICORN - nourishes the uterus and ovaries, good for depression in menopause, normalizes menstruation
SIBERIAN GINSENG - normalizes blood sugar and energy metabolism, boosts immune system response, adaptogenic
SHEPHERD’S PURSE - checks profuse menstruation, prevents hemorrhaging, astringent, urinary antiseptic, diuretic
RASPBERRY LEAF - rich in calcium, manganese, iron, niacin and magnesium, female tonic, strengthens uteine walls
ST JOHN’S WORT - helps menopausal problems, depression, hormonal change and decreased vitality
SARSAPARILLA - contains progesterone, balances the female hormones, stimulates the body’s defense system

Ingredients: Black Cohosh (root), Ladys Mantle (herb), Squaw Vine (leaf), Blessed Thistle (herb), Blue Cohosh (root), False Unicorn (root), Siberian Ginseng (root), Shepherds Purse (herb), Red Raspberry (leaf), Sarsaparilla (root), St. Johns Wort (herb)

1 or 2 Capsules twice a day or you may take more if needed. To be taken with water or can be made into a tea.

Grandma's Herbs unique herbal formulas, created by their well-known Master Herbalist Joseph VanSeters.  Since 1979 he has refined their formulas to better suit today's health concerns.  Grandma's Herbs combine specific herbs together that enhance each other making them more effective.  In pursuit of helping people to obtain better health they use only the best herbs, with NO FILLERS.  The 100% natural herbs are carefully selected and finely ground for quick release and maximum effectiveness.  We hope you too will join us in learning what many people have already discovered about Grandma's herbal products.

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