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Five-Flower Formula Stress Relief 1 fl oz Spray Flower Essence Services

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Product Description

flower-essence-service-logo.jpgbullet_cream_with_green_checkmark.jpg Certified Biodynamic and Certified Organic
bullet_cream_with_green_checkmark.jpg Healing Flower Essence Combination
bullet_cream_with_green_checkmark.jpg Dr. Bach's Natural Stress Relief Remedy

Prepared according to the original methods of Dr. Bach.

It can be regarded as a single remedy and added with others to make individual dosage combination remedies. Positive qualities: Calmness and stability in any emergency or time of stress

Patterns of imbalance: Panic, disorientation, loss of consciousness; acute trauma or pain

What are flower essences?
Flower essences are herbal infusions or decoctions, made from the flowering part of the plant, which uniquely address emotional and mental aspects of wellness. The first 38 flower remedies were formulated by a British physician, Dr. Edward Bach, in the 1930's, although new remedies from other plant species are now available.

How do flower essences work?
To understand how flower essences work requires a recognition that the human being is more than a physical body, but also incorporates a "body" of life energy, a "body" of sensitivity and feelings, and a spiritual essence or Self. Flower essences are energetic imprints of the life force of plants which interact with these subtle bodies of the human being, and evoke specific qualities within us. We can say that they work in a similar way to inspirational music or art, which carry meaning through the vehicle of sound or light, while the flower essences work through the medium of water.

Modern physics has known for nearly a century that matter and consciousness are intertwined. However, medical science still generally works with a nineteenth century model of the human being as a mechanism in a world of machines. We expect that in the coming century medical science will develop ways of studying the impact of consciousness on health, and we will learn more about the ways in which flower essences work. However, empirical research, which consists of the collection of case studies and practitioner reports, will remain the primary source of knowledge about how flower essences work.

How do I use flower essences?
They are typically taken orally from a dropper bottle; the standard dosage is four drops four times daily. You can take the drops directly from stock bottles available in stores; mix them in a glass of water; or make a dosage bottle by mixing several drops with water and brandy (typically 1/4 ounce) in a one ounce dropper bottle. When mixing in a dosage bottle or glass of water, take two drops from each essence selected. There are many others ways of using them, such as in misting sprayers, in a cream base, or in baths.

How are flower essences different from homeopathic or herbal products?
Rather than determining the physical symptoms, flower essences are best chosen by understanding the specific mental or emotional challenges which face you. These remedies are uniquely suited to address this part of your wellness program.

Dosage: Add 2 drops to water, take 4 times daily.

Ingredients: water, brandy*, blend of infusions (1:6000) of Cherry Plum (Prunus cerasifera), Clematis (C.  vitalba), Impatiens (I. glandulifera), Rock Rose (Helianthemum nummularium), and Star of Bethlehem (Ornithogalum umbellatum) flowers, all gathered wild in Britain, 40% alcohol.
* Meets the requirements of the California Organic Foods Act of 1990.
* Certified Biodynamic(R) by the Demeter Association, Inc.

Healing Herbs English Flower Essences, distributed in North America by Flower Essence Services, are personally prepared by Julian and Martine Barnard, who have two decades of experience as flower essence practitioners, educators, authors, and researchers. Working in the rural west of England, they find the most pristine plant populations, using the same species first indicated by Dr. Bach. Healing Herbs flower essences are preferred by practitioners throughout the world for their vibrant and potent qualities. 

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