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Diatomaceous Earth (DE) Powder Food Grade 4 lbs(1.82kg) Lumino Wellness

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Product Description


LUMINO Diatomaceous Earth for your home An organic alternative to toxic chemicals for a cleaner, more enjoyable and beautiful home Made in USA Diatomaceous Earth, an amazing gift from Mother Nature, is the simple solution Freshen your air Create a spotless home for easy entertaining Grow delicious garden and luscious flowers Enhance your ouw beauty Directions on some of the many uses for DE are on the back label Food Grade DE is chemical free, non-toxic and safe around humans and animals Organic Material Review Institue listed Fossilized freshwater diatoms Approved by the USDA as an additive for food storage Our DE is mined, crushed and bagged in the USA

Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is not earth or dirt. It is the fossilized remains of microscopic shells created by one-celled aquastic plants (diatoms). Over the eons, as these diatoms fosillized, they retained their tubular shape and holes. Their shape and hardness produces extermely pure and consistent DE.

There are different grade of DE. Of the 600 deposits in the US, only four are considered Food Grade. Food Grade DE is considered GRAS (generally regarded as safe) by the FDA.

Within the Food Grade classification, there is a wide variance depending on whether the DE is from fresh or salt water deposits, and how finely it is sifted.

The best DE is a fine whitish powder that is odorless and tasteless. It consists of 85-92% silicon dioxide and other trace minerals. However, some DE products contain as much as 33% clay, making them less effective.

The silica in Food Grade DE is amorphous. This is silica in its naturally occuring state. It is a trace mineral every mammal on the planet needs for survival. DE is dangerous when the silica in it is crystalized by exposure to extreme heat. This type of DE is never considered Food Grade.

Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth for radiant beauty, increased energy, and healthy rejuvenation.

As someone who has used and ingested DE every day for over a decade, I am still amazed at the many uses for this product. It is a marvelous alternative to many toxic chemicals as well as a natural beauty aid for both people and their pets.

A few of the many uses for DE:

  • Lightly dust pets' bedding. DE will absorb oils, dirt, and smells. Keeps kennel areas dry and odor free.
  • Use as a natural deodorizer for garbage cans, vacuum cleaner bags, and refrigerator.
  • Mix DE with water to form a paste to polish silver and clean jewelry.
  • DE is used in facial masks and scrubs to absorb impurities and exfoliate dead skin cells.
  • Sprinkle a small amount of DE on toothpaste for a vigorous tooth polishing.

The FDA has allowed DE for agricultural use since the 1960's. Numerous studies have shown that feeding DE results in improved animal health and growth. The recommended amount is 2% dry weight. If mixed with water, use one teaspoon per cup of liquid. Lumino's DE is neutral tasting.


Although the body has natural detoxing systems such as the lungs, kidneys, liver, and skin, a build-up of one or more forms of toxins can occur through environmental exposure or diet.

Diatomaceous Earth offers an alternative method for detoxing your body. It doesn't require any fasting and is low cost, simple, and effective. Because of it's absorbent and slightly abrasive nature, it makes an ideal internal cleaner. As it passes through your system, it absorbs toxins and doesn't require any change in your lifestyle or diet. We are all exposed to harmful toxins every day like food additives, cleaning supplies, car exhaust, and heavy metals. Our bodies are pretty good at cleaning out a lot of these things on it own, but sometimes we need a little extra help. This is where detoxing with Diatomaceous Earth comes in. If you suffer from any of the symptoms on the following list, it may be time for you to consider detoxing.

  • Food Cravings
  • Restless Sleep
  • Poor Focus
  • Fatigue
  • Skin rashes or outbreaks
  • Gas and bloating
  • Indigestion
  • Mood swings
  • Headaches
  • Weight gain
  • Body odor
  • Bad breath
  • Irregular Bowels

Detoxing with diatomaceous earth is really quite easy. Take about one teaspoon of food grade diatomaceous earth with water once a day. Take it on an empty stomach or at least one hour before eating or two hours after eating. It has little or no taste, and a very slight gritty nature. For this reason some people like to put it in their smoothies, juice, or yogurt.

Over the next few weeks, slowly raise your dosage from one teaspoon to two teaspoons, taking one in the morning and one at night. Gradually work up to a tablespoon a day.

Drink more water than usual so the toxins can be quickly flushed.

It is not uncommon to feel some side effects, such as headaches and very mild flu-like symptoms. These are caused by the toxins dying off and leaving your body and is not a cause for concern. If the symptoms become too bothersome, reduce the amount of diatomaceous earth and your symptoms will ease off.

As you continue on with your detox over the passing weeks, whatever symptoms you have - that encouraged your to do the detox in the first place - should decrease and go away altogether. Many people feel as though they have a new lease on life and feel more energetic and better than ever.

This amazing gift from Mother Nature is a natural solution. It is chemical free, non-toxic, and safe around humans and animals.

As a Natural Deodorizer:

Garbage Cans - sprinkle DE in the bottom of garbage cans to deodorize.

Vacuum Cleaner Bags - place two tablespoons of DE in the vacuum bag or canister to deodorize. Replenish when half full.

Refrigerator - use as you would baking soda.

Footwear - sprinkle in shoes, leave overnight, shake out well, then wipe up residue.

As a Non-toxic Cleanser and Absorber:

Soft Scrubbing Cleanser - mix DE with dish soap to make a paste, adding a few drops of vinegar if desired.

Muddy Footprints on Carpet - sprinkle DE powder on wet or dry mud spots. Apply with a stiff broom or brush without rubbing. Vacuum in 1-2 hours or when powder and mud appear dry.

Polish Silver, Gold Flatware, Jewelry - mix DE with water to form a paste. Apply with a cloth and wash well. Tarnish can be removed by rubbing with dry DE and a cloth.

For a Glorious Garden:

Preserve and Store Flower Bulbs - sprinkle bulbs lightly with DE. Store in an air permeable bag, hang in a dry place for airflow.

Amendment for Soil - for houseplants, use a mix of 1/4 DE to 3/4 soil. As a soil conditioner it helps break up clay and retains moisture in light or sandy soils. Its 14 trace minerals will help amend depleted soils.

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