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Bromelain Powder 300 GDU Bulk

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Product Description

Bromelain is not a single substance, but rather a collection of enzymes and other compounds. It is a mixture of sulfur-containing protein-digesting enzymes—called proteolytic enzymes or proteases—and several other substances in smaller quantities including: peroxidase, acid phosphatase, protease inhibitors, and calcium.

Some studies of animals indicate that bromelain (applied to the surface of the skin) may be useful in removing dead tissue from third-degree burns (particularly burns that go through all layers of the skin).

Bromelain can be used to dissolve dead skin cells and this makes it great for a natural exfoliant that can be used on the face or body to get rid of older skin cells that keep newer skin cells from replacing them.

Believed to assist in the digestion of proteins; and when taken on an empty stomach to acts medicinally as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Classified as an herb, bromelain is a sulfur-containing proteolytic digestive enzyme that is extracted from the stem and the fruit of the pineapple plant (Ananas comosus, family Bromeliaceae).

The expert panel, the German Commission E approved bromelain for the treatment of swelling/inflammation of the nose and sinuses caused by injuries and surgery in 1993.

Bromelain may help wounds and bruises heal faster. It is also readily accepted as an effectual treatment for those suffering from sports injuries and for people recovering from surgery, infections and various forms of trauma.

Several preliminary studies suggest that when taken by mouth, bromelain can reduce inflammation or pain caused by inflammation. Better quality studies are needed to confirm these results.

It is proposed that bromelain may be a useful addition to other therapies used for sinusitis (such as antibiotics) due to its ability to reduce inflammation/swelling. Studies report mixed results, although overall bromelain appears to be beneficial for reducing swelling and improving breathing. Better studies are needed before a strong recommendation can be made.

Bromelain is a natural blood thinner. It has been shown to arrest the clumping of platelets and thus is believed to help in the prevention of heart disease. It has been researched for such uses, alone and with other therapies, in treating angina and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Bromelain taken daily in doses of up to 1,800 mg have been shown to assist in alleviating painful inflammation of the joints. People suffering from rheumatoid arthritis may find it helpful. Bromelain may also benefit those who have sinusitis. By minimizing swelling of the passageways in the sinuses, bromelain supplements may help with breathing.

By restraining prostaglandin hormones, bromelain supplements may aid those dealing with PMS. Bromelian can help with cramps, but some say it may also augment blood flow during the menstrual cycle. When taken with another enzyme, called trysin, bromelain may boost the effectiveness of antibiotics taken to clear up urinary tract infections.

Dosage and Use: Take 1/4 rounded teaspoon one to two times daily with or without food, or as recommended by a healthcare practitioner. It is dissolvable in liquid after some agitation.

Bromelain may enhance the anticoagulant activity of drugs such as warfarin and the antithrombotic activity of such drugs as aspirin.

Caution: Individuals who are taking blood-thinning medications should consult with their health care provider before taking bromelain.

Safety: There are multiple reports of allergic and asthmatic reactions to bromelain products, including throat swelling and difficulty breathing. Allergic reactions to bromelain may occur in individuals allergic to pineapples or other members of the Bromeliacea e family, and in people who are sensitive/allergic to honeybee venom, latex, birch pollen, carrot, celery, fennel, cypress pollen, grass pollen, papain, rye flour, or wheat flour.

Botanical Name: Bromelia ananas comosus, family Bromeliaceae.
Origin: India
Notes: 300 GDU (Gelatin Digesting Units)/g. A measure of proteolytic (protein digesting) activity. With added maltodextrin. Non-GMO. Non-irradiated.

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