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Blue Corn Kernels Popcorn Non-GMO Bulk

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Product Description

All-natural blue popcorn kernels. Perfect for popping any time.

Blue Popcorn is a unique and delicious snack! This popcorn pops medium to large kernels into fresh popcorn with its own unique flavor - typically a little sweeter and with fewer hulls than traditional white and yellow kernels.

While the kernels are naturally blue, once popped the popcorn will be white.

Blue corn (also known as Hopi maize, Yoeme Blue, Tarahumara Maiz Azul, and Rio Grande Blue) is several closely related varieties of flint corn grown in Mexico, the Southwestern United States, and the Southeastern United States. It is one of the main types of corn used for the traditional Southern and Central Mexican food known as tlacoyo.

It was originally developed by the Hopi, the Pueblo Indians of the Rio Grande in New Mexico, and several Southeastern Tribes, including the Cherokee. It remains an essential part of Hopi dishes like piki bread. Blue corn meal is a corn meal that is ground from whole blue corn and has a sweet flavor. It is also a staple of New Mexican cuisine used commonly to make tortillas.

The Hopi used corn in religious rituals, placing blue corn in a framework of directional associations in which yellow corn was associated with the Northwest; blue corn with the Southwest; red corn with the Southeast; white corn with the Northeast; black corn with the Above, and all-colored corn with the Below.

Store the popcorn kernels in sealed plastic or glass containers in a cool, dark, dry location for up to 1 year.

Stove top directions: Preheat 3 tablespoons of oil in a deep pan on medium heat. The best oils to use have a high smoke-point (peanut oil, safflower oil, soy oil, sunflower oil, light olive oil, or coconut oil). When the oil is hot add 1/3c popcorn kernels. Put a lid on the pot and continue to move the pan, or stir the kernels, so that they do not burn. Cook for 2 1/2 min to 4 min or until the pops are 5 seconds apart.


Mix 1/3 cup of popcorn with 1 Tbs of oil. Add the kernel and oil mixture to a brown paper bag. Fold over the top of the bag two times and give it a good shake. Cook for 2 1/2 min or until the pops are 5 seconds apart.

Indigenous Goddess Gang, Cooking Blue Corn Indigenous Science

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