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Arth FX Joint Health 555 mg 100 Caps Grandma's Herbs

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Product Description

grandmas_herbs_logo.jpg Dietary supplement
 Helps relieve the pain
 Herbs are carefully selected and finely ground for quick release and maximum effectiveness

Grandma's ARTH-AID combination is made up of all natural herbs designed to relieve the pain and stress of arthritis, bursitis, and the like. Some of the herbs are noted for their ability to break up the calcification that causes so much of the pain of arthritis.

Osteoarthritis afflicts the weight-bearing joints: the knees, hips and spine. It causes the cartilage in the joints to degenerate. It often manifests after an injury or from repetitive physical tasks that place excess stress upon joints. It does not migrate from one part of the body to another. Rheumatoid arthritis is the most severe type of inflammatory joint disease and can involve many joints. It is most common in the hands, feet and arms and can, and often does, migrate to other joints. Arthritis affects about 34 million Americans of all ages.

Modern medicine considers arthritis to be incurable and treats the pain, which is a symptom and not the cause. Many of the drugs used for arthritis have serious side effects, so it is critical to know as much as you can about any drugs you may be taking. Studies show that all arthritis symptoms are reduced after a person adopts a vegetarian diet, free of all animal products, especially dairy. It is also important to eliminate alcohol, coffee, refined sugar and excess salt from the diet. Changing the diet and using herbs for these conditions is much better for the body than using chemical pain relievers. Grandma’s ARTH-AID combination is made up of all natural herbs designed to relieve the pain and stress of arthritis, bursitis, and the like. Some of the herbs are noted for their ability to break up the calcification that causes so much of the pain of arthritis.

Following is a list of the herbs contained in this formula:

DEVILS CLAW - anti-inflammatory, analgesic, used successfully in treating arthritis, acts as a blood cleanser, eliminates toxins from the system, helps prevent and overcome the hardening of the veins
YUCCA - contains steroid saponins (anti-stress agent), reduces toxins in the alimentary canal, which relieves arthritis, reduces inflammation in joints, has the ability to break up mineral deposits
CHAPARRAL - contains saponins which clean the system of toxins, high in vitamin A, calcium and selenium
BURDOCK - eliminates uric acid from the blood, helps break down calcification in the joints, detoxifying and helps the body to eliminate waste in arthritic conditions, promotes kidney function
WHITE WILLOW - anti-inflammatory, reduces fever, contains pain-relieving properties, relieves inflammation and swelling and improves mobility in painful joints
ALFALFA - helps in chemical imbalance, rich in trace minerals, neutralizes uric acid for arthritis, bursitis, etc., rich in iron, calcium and phosphorus, helps the body to balance its systems
HYDRANGEA - used in the treatment of arthritis and other similar ailments, thought to contain flavonoids, which are anti-inflammatory and helps to maintain a healthy circulation
RED CLOVER - excellent blood cleanser and tonic, anti-inflammatory, inhibits bacteria growth
HORSETAIL GRASS - often used for arthritic and rheumatic problems, high in silica, which is easily absorbed by the body and which supports the regeneration of connective tissue, the body changes the silica into useable calcium
SCULLCAP - good nervine for the spinal column, good for circulation, strengthens and supports the nerves, helps rebuild nerve endings in the brain, used for upper respiratory infections
BLADDER POD - synergistic, makes the other herbs in the formula work more quickly and efficiently, relaxes the body and relieves pain, very soothing for inflammation, rheumatism and boils.

2 Capsules twice a day ½ hour before meals. To be taken with water or can be made into a tea.

Formerly was Arth-Aid.

Grandma's Herbs unique herbal formulas, created by their well-known Master Herbalist Joseph VanSeters.  Since 1979 he has refined their formulas to better suit today's health concerns.  Grandma's Herbs combine specific herbs together that enhance each other making them more effective.  In pursuit of helping people to obtain better health they use only the best herbs, with NO FILLERS.  The 100% natural herbs are carefully selected and finely ground for quick release and maximum effectiveness.  We hope you too will join us in learning what many people have already discovered about Grandma's herbal products.

Grandma's Herbs Reference Catalog
*FDA Disclaimer

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