Launched in 1903 by Birmingham grocer John Sumner, and originally sold as a cure for indigestion, Typhoo is still one of Britain's favourite teas. Our team of expert tea buyers and blenders carefully select only the finest tea leaves to ensure great taste, quality and freshness from every cup of Typhoo.
Typhoo uses a decaffeination process which gently removes most of the caffeine and is believed to give a better flavour of decaffeinated tea than other methods. Recent research has shown that the healthy antioxidants in tea are not removed during this process. So, it's a great alternative to regular tea when you want to reduce your daily caffeine intake.
We take our pick of the best crop, so you've got all the ingredients you need for a perfect cup of Typhoo. Not only this, but we are working in association with Rainforest Allianceā¢ using tea from Rainforest Alliance Certifiedā¢ farms that have environmentally and socially responsible practices. Our tea comes from all over the world and helps support a healthier planet and an improved quality of life for farming communities.
The founder of Typhoo, John Sumner, was born 26 February 1856 in Birmingham where his grandfather (William) and father (John) had established a grocery business in the Bull Ring.
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