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TheraClear Parasite Formula 120 Caps Amazing Herbs

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Product Description

bullet_cream_with_green_checkmark.jpg Anti-Parasite Formula with Wormwood extract and Black Walnut Hull
bullet_cream_with_green_checkmark.jpg Intestinal Cleansing Program

A regular natural detoxification program including TheraClear Anti Parasite Formula and a colon cleanser to promote proper elimination has been recommended by various naturopaths.

HERBS FOR PARASITES: More and more people are concerned these days about the presence of intestinal parasites and worms in the body. And in fact, according to numerous studies, nearly 85% Americans have parasites in their body's. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) intestinal parasitic helminth and protozoan infections are among the most common infections world-wide. In spite of the fact that the mortality rate among these infections is rather low (in the case of Ascaris lumbricoides, 2 per 100,000 people), due to the high prevalence, these infections are regarded as a serious public health problem.

There are several types of intestinal worms. The most commonly noticed parasites are roundworms, hookworms, threadworms and tape-worms. Roundworms are giant intestinal parasites measuring 15 to 25 cms. in length. They are off-white in colour and most frequently infect children. Eggs produced by them are passed in stools. Roundworm eggs may remain alive in the soil for many months. Hookworms are small worms measuring one cm. long. They attach themselves to the walls of intestines within the bowel. They cause serious bleeding, and poison the patient as well. Pinworms are small white worms about 6.35 cm. in length. Threadworms are small thread-like creatures which can be noticed in the stools of children. The female worm, one cm. in length, moves at night to the anal canal to lay its eggs. More than 30 different types of tapeworm infections may affect the human body. Some tapeworms are only a few inches long, others measure from ten to 30 feet or more in length.

The hallmark of hookworm infection is intestinal blood loss, which contributes to the burden of iron deficiency anaemia. Recent research supported by CTD showed the dramatic contribution of hookworm to the burden of iron deficiency anaemia in school-age children. These data have confirmed, in a public health setting, earlier findings showing that the haemoglobin deficit associated with hookworm infection was greater than that of either urinary schistosomiasis or malaria among school children.

It is estimated that 600 million people are exposed to risk of schistosomiasis (a type of parasite) infection. Currently 200 million are estimated to be infected, of which 20 million are seriously ill. They are suffering from hepatosplenic disease, or urinary or bladder pathology, including bladder cancer. These figures are now being revised in a country-by-country review.

It is estimated that as many as 3.5 billion people are infected with intestinal parasites, and that 450 million are ill, the majority of which are children. Furthermore, about 44 million pregnant women have hookworm infections which poses a considerable health burden in developing societies. In 1995, hookworm infections killed approximately 65,000 persons and Ascaris lunzbricoicles another 60,000 persons. Entamaebu histolytica is estimated to cause severe disease in 48 million people killing 70,000 individuals world-wide. These numbers are increasing.

About 2.4 million people are infected with Fasciola, a liver fluke and over 20 million with Paragonimus, a lung fluke treatment for both infections is currently unsatisfactory. This latter infection is often confused diagnostically with tuberculosis.

Symptoms: Some of the signs of parasites may include lack of appetite; blurry vision; pain in the back, thighs and shoulders; stomach discomfort, itchy rectum, heart pain, bloating, yellowish face, and lethargy, just to name a few. The usual symptoms of intestinal worms are diarrhoea, foul breath, dark circles under the eyes, constant desire for food, restlessness at night with bad dreams, anemia and headache. Infants and young children are likely to be irritated all the time and are prone to throw tantrums at the slightest excuse. Roundworms may give rise to inflammation of the intestine and lungs. The usual symptoms are diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, loss of weight, fever, nervousness and irritability. Children with hookworm disease appear pale and are often weak. They may give rise to nutritional disorders. Threadworms may cause an intense itching in the areas around the anus. Tapeworms and roundworms may cause convulsion in children. Threadworms infection which is very common in children, may cause periodic bouts of diarrhoea, itching around anal area, alternating with constipation, loss of weight, cough and fever.

Cause The eggs of these parasites are introduced into the human system through the medium of food or water, especially under cooked or badly-cooked meat. Roundworms are caused by eating contaminated foods. If the soil in which chldren play becomes contaminated with the eggs of these parasites, they are easily transferred to the mouth through dirty fingers, particularly by children living in unhygenic conditions. There is always a greater danger of contamination where human wastes are used in fertilizing vegetables. Great care should therefore be taken to ensure that all foods are thoroughly cleansed and properly cooked before use. Hookworms enter the human body through skin from infected water. Pinworms and threadworms transmission result from dirty fingers and food. Tapeworms are transmitted to the body through under-cooked flesh foods. The real cause of intestinal worms, however, is the use of contaminated food or water. The eggs of these worms, can breed in the intestine only if they find a suitable medium for their propogation. This medium is an intestinal tract clogged with morbid matter and systemic refuse due to wrong freeding habits.

Treatment The modern medical system prescribes drugs to kill the parasites. They may give temporary relief, but they are more likely to harm the digestive process and create other complications. Natural cure methods, on the other hand, aim at strengthening the intestine so as to purge the parasites. The treatment for intestinal worms should begin with diet. The patient should be kept on exclusive diet of fresh fruits for two days or so. If possible, a small warm-water enema, mixed with the juice of half a fresh lime, may be administered daily during this period to cleanse the bowels. This would help expel mucus and threadworms from the intestine. Bed clothes of the patient must be exposed to sun everyday and he should stay in a well-ventilated room. After spending two or three days on exclusive fresh fruit diet, the patient may be allowed to take raw and boiled vegetables in addition to fruits. This diet may be continued for two or three days, after which he may be allowed to have porridge, or gruel. Thereafter, he may gradually embark upon a well-balanced light diet consisting mainly of fruits, vegetables, milk and wholemeal bread. The diet should exclude fatty foods such as butter, cream, and oil, refined foods and all flesh foods. This diet should be continued until the parasites are completely eliminated. Mud packs and cold compresses applied to lower part of the abdomen will help in the initial stages of the treatment.

TheraClear is an well formulated, effective, and inexpensive, natural formula that features a combination of synergistic herbs known throughout the world for their effect on parasites and intestinal worms.

In his book, Prostate Health in 90 Days, Dr. Larry Clapp recommends TheraClear as part of his regimen.

This formula is ideal for Daily Detox and for Monthly Cleanse. Use with Super CKL Colon Detox to promote proper elimination.

Ingredients: TheraClear is formulated with Black Seed herb, Black Walnut Hull, Cloves, Wormwood Extract, Peppermint Leaves, Grapefruit Seed Extract, and base herbs Fennel, Hyssop, Pumpkin Seed Meal, Genetian Root, and Thyme.

Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement, For 30 Day Cleanse - Take Four Capsules with water in morning, one hour before breakfast for 30 days. For Daily Maintenance: Take Two capsules as needed.

Black Seed (Black Cumin) has been used by millions of people in Asia, the Middle East, and Africa to improve general health. Since 1959, over 200 studies at international universities and articles published in various journals, have shown remarkable results supporting its traditional uses recorded almost 1400 years ago. While the Black Seed is highly effective by itself, ongoing studies with the combination of other herbs have produced remarkable results.

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