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Premier pH Minerals Concentrate 2 fl oz/8 fl oz Premier Research

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Product Description


bullet_cream_with_green_checkmark.jpg  Electrochemically charged mineral tonic promotes Whole-Body Mineral Health
bullet_cream_with_green_checkmark.jpg  Highly concentrated (100:1) source of all minerals and trace minerals
bullet_cream_with_green_checkmark.jpg  Ionic Mineral Concentrate
bullet_cream_with_green_checkmark.jpg  Derived by sun-evaporation process from Utah's Great Salt Lake
bullet_cream_with_green_checkmark.jpg  Over 97% of salt removed
bullet_cream_with_green_checkmark.jpg  Highly ionized, easily absorbable
bullet_cream_with_green_checkmark.jpg  Necessary for literally all body functions
bullet_cream_with_green_checkmark.jpg  Provides for deep-seated detoxification

Formerly Quantum Polar Mins, Premier pH Minerals is a broad spectrum liquid concentrate of Utah's Great Salt Lake. It contains an electrochemically charged source of minerals obtained from Utah's Great Salt Lake water that naturally provides a good source of  magnesium. Minerals are essential for good health although the body cannot produce them. Minerals must be consumed in the diet.

The Phosphate Dilemma
Food grown on land that has been treated with commercial forms of acid-treated phosphates do not incorporate the phosphate into its molecular structure, but instead, trap the phosphate in a free form. In contrast, natural electrochemical colloids (as found in sea minerals) prevent this effect, so the phosphate can be properly arranged within its molecule.

When people eat commercial foods grown with excessive amounts of acid-treated phosphates, they excrete a high percentage in their urine. In contrast, foods grown with colloidal phosphate have a balanced phosphate structure in their cells. When people eat these foods, the body will conserve them and not need to dump them out in the urine. People who go on high levels of raw foods that have been grown on soils treated with acid-treated phosphate will begin to have health concerns with their water balance, creating artificial dehydration.

This is one of the main reasons for steaming or boiling commercially grown vegetables and grains. The heating process releases trapped free phosphates which would be harmful, yet leaves good colloid phosphates are already in place to be active when consumed. It is best to throw out the leftover water from steaming or boiling commercial produce because it will be high in free phosphates.

Worldwide research (from Popp, Korzykski, LeBon, Picardi, Sckwenk) has demonstrated the importance of electrochemical compound colloids. Researcher Albert Popp of Germany found that the structure of water is determined by minute quantities of electrochemical compound colloids. The structuring of water in body fluids can enhance or detract from the transmission of blueprint information to DNA. If the water in body fluids is more structured (and therefore will have a higher surface electrical charge), it will have a higher energy potential. This means the water, through the effect of the electrochemical colloids, will be able to transport energy (such as heat, electromagnetic energies) at much higher, more efficient levels in and out of cells - in short, increased cellular energy and function.

Sea minerals are very high in electrochemical compound colloids so when consumed, the body can function at much higher efficiency. pH Minerals is an unusually excellent source of the full spectrum of sea minerals from the deep, pristine sea near Antarctica so they deliver a superior source of colloids for immediate use by the body's cells.

How to Detoxify and Repolarize Food
To detoxify and repolarize raw, uncooked fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, and other raw foods, fill a spray bottle with 90% purified water and 10% pH Minerals by volume. Shake a few times to mix the ingredients. For each individual food item (such as a tomato or banana), spray approximately 4 times. Then store in the refrigerator or at room temperature.

Within about 60 seconds of spraying a food, QRA testing will typically show that all four polarities of the food have been restored (four-polarity food is the most desirable). Even well grown produce commonly tests on to only one or two polarities at best.

Since a raw food item is still in a living state, the Polar Mins spray acts as an excellent electrochemical "foliar feed," supplying badly needed ionized minerals to detoxify any toxic components of the food as well as allowing the food item to absorb highly beneficial minerals which helps create electromagnetically superior "structured water" inside its cells. This procedure is excellent even for organic foods which are still typically deficient in mineral content (as compared to optimal mineral levels).

pH Minerals may also be sprayed on raw dairy products such as raw milk, butter and raw cheese.

Please note: if a raw food item has been irradiated (such as Holland produce) or is heavily contaminated, the cellular structure has been damaged so it may be unable to absorb mineral ions; thus, the Polar Mins spray procedure will not work well.

Dermal Mist
The Polar Mins Spray may also be used to "mist" skin areas on the body such as the arms, legs, face, head, hair, etc. Just as raw foods are able to absorb ionized minerals, human skin can easily absorb them as well. Use I to 4 sprays at a time on various body areas (spray directly on bare skin) as an excellent energy boost or to supply ionized minerals to specific body areas. To avoid unnecessary detoxification, allow some time between misting (if more than 4 sprays are used).

Keeping Your Plants Healthy
House plants love pH Minerals! For enhanced, more luxuriant plant growth (inside or out), either water them with a 10% solution of Polar Mins once a month or spray them frequently. Plants need ionized minerals, too!

Recommended Usage: Take 1/2 teaspoon daily in 1 liter of juice or water. For those who are sensitive, dilute 1/4 tsp. in 2 liters of water. May also be taken in soups and foods. Due to the concentrated nature of these minerals, it is recommended that you do not take them undiluted.

Serving Size 1/2 Teaspoon (2.5 mL)
Servings Per Container 23

Sodium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 mg
Magnesium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..195 mg
Chloride . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 620 mg

Sulfate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . .34 mg
Sulfur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . 18 mg
Lithium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1,162 mcg
Boron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .540 mcg

Ingredients: Ionic Trace Mineral Concentrate, 99% sodium removed

Quantum Nutrition Labs is known internationally as the pre-eminent manufacturer of excipient-free, premier quality nutraceutical formulations, super food concentrates and the world's first producer of quantum cellular resonance products that are capable of restoring quantum coherence to the body's inherent biofield. Fully functional coherence of the biofield is the new and most comprehensive definition of anti-aging therapy, born out of quantum physics.
Founder of Premier Research Labs/Quantum Nutrition Labs, Dr. Robert Marshall is a certified, internationally trained clinical nutritionist, past president of the International and American Association of Clinical Nutritionists, member of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. He is the host of HealthLine, a radio broadcast aired continuously since 1986 and the author of many research papers and articles. Dr. Bob Marshall has operated one of the largest chronic illness practices in Southern California for many years. Currently his main activities include overseeing Quantum Nutrition Labs' manufacturing, as well as writing and teaching professional seminars.
• Listen to Dr. Bob Marshall, live on the HealthLine radio show Monday-Saturday with live Q & A. Visit Healthline for more info. (New window will appear)
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