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Pippali (Pipli, Long Pepper, Piper Longum) Organic Bulk

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Product Description

  • A powerful Rasayana herb, serving as longevity enhancer*
  • Considered pivotal for body purification process, since it cleans shrotas which transport nutrients and help to remove wastes from body*
  • Enhances digestion, assimilation and metabolism of the food*
  • Soothes the nerves and improves sleep quality at night*
  • Used in the treatment of chronic dysentery and worm infestations*
  • Provides relief from cough and throat infections*
  • Used to treat irregular fever, piles and anemia*
  • Provides better blood circulation and enhances immune system*
  • Beneficial in nausea and congestion*
  • Improves lung health. It helps in detoxifying lung and kidney and cleaning of lymph glands*
  • Combined with honey to suppress hyperacidity and to control hiccups*
  • Is used as brain tonic*
  • Reduces the frequency of paroxysms in bronchial asthma*

Pipli has been mentioned in ancient Ayurvedic scriptures. It has various synonyms in Sanskrit describing its specialities and properties, like magadhi (from Magadha), usana (pungent), krsna (black), capala (acting quickly), region, upakulya  (that grows near water), kola (improves test sensation). Charak has categorized Pipli as kanthya – beneficial for throat, dipaniya – an appetizer, asthapanao-paga, uptighna – anti-saturative, sirovirecaniya – a nasal cleansing therapy, purisa virajaniya – give color to the stool, purisa sangrahaniya – give form to the faeces, hikka nigrahana – mitigates hiccup, sita prasamana – relieving cold sensation of skin, rasayana – a rejuvenator, vamaka - emetic,  sulaghna – anti-colic, kasahara – anti-tussive, Pipli is ingredient of trikatu – three pungents are sunthi, pipli and marica, trikatu is most common combination for treating of kapha dosha. Trikatu has anti-asthmatic & anti-cold properties. Pipli is  recommended specially for respiratory system as rasayana.

It acts as aphrodisiac and boosts the reproductive system. Causasti pipli is one unique preparations, which is made by fortifying Pipli powder by triturating it with the decoction of Pipli itself, for the duration of 8 days (64 prahara). It makes Pipli very potent and fortified, so used in very small doses.

Some of the Ayurvedic preparations of pipli are Pippalyasava, Vardhamana pippali, Causasti pippali, Pippali khanda, Sitopaladi curna, Guda pippali.

Clincal Research
Prescribed for the treatment of chronic dysentery and worm infestations was tested for anti-giardial and immuno-stimulatory activity in mice, infected with Giardia lamblia trophozoites. It produced up to 98% recovery from the infection. The rasayana had no killing effect on the parasite in vitro. It induced significant activation of macrophages as evidenced by increased macrophage migration index (MMI) and phagocytic activity. Enhancement of host resistance could be one of the possible mechanisms contributing towards the recovery of animals from the giardial infection.

Pippali Rasayana (PR), was administered at a dose of 1 g p.o. three times daily for a period of 15 days to patients (25 treated, 25 placebo controls) suffering from giardiasis with clinical signs and symptoms, and stools positive for trophozoites/cysts of Giardia lamblia. After 15 days of drug treatment there was a complete disappearance of G. lamblia (trophozoites/cysts) from the stools of 23 out of 25 patients. General signs and symptoms of ill health and abdominal discomfort, presence of mucus, pus cells and RBCs were significantly reduced. There was a marked improvement in the clinical and haematological profile of the patients. Spontaneous recovery in 20% cases was recorded in placebo controls.

Latin Name - Piper Longum
Common Names - Pippali, Javanese, Indian or Indonesian Long Pepper, Pipal, Dried Catkins

Kosher. Non-irradiated. Processed without chemical fertilizers or pesticides, and tested free of any chemical residue.

Sources: wikipedia,org, ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9201614, ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7898121, ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2110862, herbsforlife.co.uk/monograph.asp?h=80&p=m&t=d 

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