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Herbal Colon Cleanser & Tonic 450 mg 100 Caps Grandma's Herbs

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Product Description

bullet_cream_with_green_checkmark.jpg Supports a healthy colon
bullet_cream_with_green_checkmark.jpg Herbs are carefully selected and finely ground four quick release and maximum effectiveness


Cascara Sagrada Bark, Senna Herb, Aloe Vera Leaf, Buckthorn Bark, Licorice Root , Psyllium Husk , Psyllium Seed , Rhubarb Root , Alfalfa Leaf , Calamus Root , Barberry Root Bark , Black Walnut Leaf , Butternut Bark , Dandelion Root , Flax Seed Meal , Gentian Root , Marshmallow Root , Plantain Leaves , Prunes , Red Clover Tops , Sage Brush Leaf , Slippery Elm Bark , Blue Flag Root , Blue Vervain Herb , Calendula Flowers , Chamomile Flowers , Chicory Herb , Clove Bud , Fennel Seed , Ginger Root , Red Raspberry Leaves , Yucca Herb , Wahoo Herb



  • 1 Capsule each morning
  • For best results also use a laxative at night till desired results
  • To be taken with water or can be made into a tea

Senna Seed:

  • Traditionally people in northern Africa and southwestern Asia have used senna as a digestive purge or cleanser for centuries. It was considered a "cleansing" herb because of its cathartic (purging - cleansing) effect.
  • Senna is a popular herb with certain health benefits. The leaf and the seed are the most common parts of the plant to use.
  • Some of the active constituents are compounds called anthraquinones, which are powerful and effective cleansers.
  • Senna is also used by some for other purposes. One of which is weight loss.
  • Senna is an herb that is known world wide. We believe that its popularity comes from the results people experience when used when digestion slows.
  • Researchers have found that active compounds, called sennosides, in senna. Sennosides work by promoting colon contractions which of course facilitates or promotes healthy bowel movements.
  • Senna may also prevent water and electrolytes from being reabsorbed by the colon. This action is thought to increase fluid available in the intestines which may soften fecal matter or stools.

  • Cascara Sagrada:

  • The literal Spanish translation of Cascara Segrada is Sacred Bark.
  • This is the name given to the plant by the Spanish Priests.
  • There are two possible reasons for the name.
  • One is that the bark was dried and used as a laxative or purgative by the priests.
  • The other is that the wood closely resembles the wood used to build the ark of the covenant.
  • Cascara Sagrada has active componants called anthraquinones.
  • The anthraquinones and phytochemicals in Cascara Sagrada are thought to work as peristaltic stimulents.
  • These anthraquinones may be the reason that Cascara is used to promote healthy bowel movements. They stimulate the peristoltic muscles and thereby assist in the elimination of fecal matter from the colon.
  • Peristaltic muscles flex in a wave-like motion in the intestines. The wave-like motion causes fecal matter to move through the bowel to facilitate a healthy bowel movement.
  • Cascara bark also contains resins, tannins and lipids
  • Purging/ cleansing the bowel is cascara sagrada’s claim to fame. Having similar active constituents to Senna makes this a very synergistic herb for purging the lower GI (gastrointestinal tract).
  • Cascara Sagrada also has phytochemicals like aloe-emodin, casanthranol,chrysophanic acid and beta carotene. these are thought to assist with the purgative actions of the herb as well.
  • While cleansing and purging the bowel in the elimination process Cascara Sagrada (Sacred Bark) also provides healthy micro-nutrients.
  • Cascara Sagrada contains healthy micro nutrients, calcium, iron, linoliec acid, magnesium, manganese, potasium and zinc to name a few. Plus a good helping of vitamin B complex and C

  • Aloe Vera:

  • Aloe vera has been known for its healing properties for at least 6,000 years. In the early days, the plant was known for being a “plant of immortality” and was presented to Egyptian pharaohs as a funeral gift.
  • Over time, groups from many geographical areas have used aloe vera, including Indians, Chinese, Mexicans, and North Americans.
  • There are two medicinally useful parts of the aloe vera plant.
  • First, the leaves are filled with a clear gel. This gel is extracted from the plant and usually used on the skin to treat burns and various skin conditions. The gel can also be found in liquid or capsule form and taken orally.
  • The second substance the plant produces is called aloe latex. This is the yellow pulp that’s found just under the outer part of the plant leaf. Aloe latex has been shown to be useful for healthy bowel movements
  • Aloe latex contains aloin, which is an anthraquinone. As mentioned above anthraquinones are thought to work as peristaltic stimulents.
  • Aloe is safe to consume orally. It is thought that is provides the same soothing actions for the freshly cleansed colon as it provides for the skin when applied topically. When combining that with the purgative properties it is easy to see that Aloe Vera is a great herb vital to put in a healthy colon cleanse formula.

  • Gentian:

  • Gentian (Gentiana lutea) is a bitter herb that has been used as an herbal supplement throughout Europe for over 2,000 years.
  • Gentian is a bitter herb thought to stimulate digestion by increasing saliva production and promoting stomach acid and digestive enzyme production.
  • There’s some evidence that Gentian can stimulate the secretion of enzymes in the small intestines and increase gastric secretion, which makes breaking down foods and absorbing nutrients easier.

  • Calendula:

  • Calendula has an abundance of flavonoids which are antioxidants. These plant-based antioxidants protect cells from free radical damage.
  • Calendula has may also increase blood flow to assist in oxigenating and soothing irritated tissue.

  • Butternut Bark: 

  • Butternut bark is not from the squash like one would think. The butternut bark actually comes from the White Walnut Tree. Its natural habitat is in the northeast portion of North America.
  • The Native Americans used the bark of the tree to promote healthy digestion.
  • Some people have used butternut as “a tonic.” A tonic is defined as a restorative meaning that it promotes general health and well-being.
  • Butternut bark has mild cathartic properties and was used as an herbal supplement during the American Revolution. 

  • Licorice Root:

  • Centuries ago, licorice root was used in Greece, China, and Egypt for to promote proper digestion and to support healthy lung function.
  • Licorice root also has been used as a sweetener.
  • The traditions of the past have carried over into modern times. Today, people use licorice root as a dietary supplement to support proper digestion.
  • The information above is for informational purposes only. It does not reflect or relate to the performance or purpose of any products that contain similar materials.

    * "Herbal supplements are not drugs. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease."*

    More About Grandma's Herbs

    Grandma's Herbs unique herbal formulas, created by their well-known Master Herbalist Joseph VanSeters.  Since 1979 he has refined their formulas to better suit today's health concerns.  Grandma's Herbs combine specific herbs together that enhance each other making them more effective.  In pursuit of helping people to obtain better health they use only the best herbs, with NO FILLERS.  The 100% natural herbs are carefully selected and finely ground for quick release and maximum effectiveness.  We hope you too will join us in learning what many people have already discovered about Grandma's herbal products.

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