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Easy-Sprout Sprouting Kit Sproutamo

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Product Description

The old ways of sprouting are too slow, inconvenient and bothersome.

EASY-SPROUT™ changes that. Now you can grow fresh sprouts (at home or away) and keep them conveniently at your fingertips.

Those who want extra containers for an abundance of ready-to-eat sprouts in the refrigerator will welcome the basic three-part Sprout Keeper™ model (Inner & Outer + Vented Lid ).

This unique quart-size, dual-container sprouting system (made of durable, easy-to-clean, quality food grade material - HDPE) is able to:

  • use the heat from sprouting seeds to circulate fresh, humidified air by natural convection
  •  prevent suffocation & dehydration so sprouts need less (or NO) rinsing
  • conveniently produce pound batches of healthier, tastier sprouts faster with minimal effort
  • simplify and enhance "Travel Sprouting" and the storage of fresh sprouts in the refrigerator

Fresh food lovers everywhere (& their hungry Parrots!) are sure to welcome the "plant today, harvest tomorrow" speed and convenience of these unique sprouters. EASY-SPROUT™ is such a fast, easy way to add vitality to our daily food supply, we should all be Easy-Sprouting!

Grow a pound of tasty sprouts in 8-48 hours with convenient NO RINSE SPROUTING!
Just soak 1/2 - 2 1/2 cups dry seeds, beans, grains or nuts for 1-12 hours (see guide), drain & sprout.

Durable quart-size, dual-container balances warmth, humidity, oxygen by convection for fast, convenient sprouting. Guide with recipes included.

According to medical experts and nutritional researchers, sprouts come as close to being a "perfect food" as anything available.

  • They contain incredibly high levels of all the minerals and amino acids. They are extremely rich in protein.
  • They are very economical and easy to grow yourself.
  • They are thought to contain some of the most powerful cancer-fighting properties known to medical science.
  • The nutritional content of sprouts is many times greater than the original food value of the seeds and beans from which they sprout.
  • Pound for pound, a salad made from a variety of sprouts, compared with the traditional lettuce salad, would cost less than half as much yet provide five times as much protein, six times as much Vitamin C and seven times as much of the B Complex Vitamins.
  • Whole dried peas have no Vitamin C, yet when sprouted for 48 hours, provide more Vitamin C (ounce per ounce) than fresh oranges.
  • Sprouts save food preparation time since they require no cleaning, peeling or chopping, and can be cooked (if desired) in a mere fraction of the time required for most foods.

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