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Choosing Success: Human Relationships Analysis on the Job by Dorothy Jongeward, Philip C. Seyer Paperback Book

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Product Description

Discover how you can use your opn-the-job relationships as a positive force to achieve business and personal success. This guide shows how your personality works to either make or break your chance for sucess. You'll learn how to recognize and deal with different types of people and problems...establish personal goals...and transact with people more effectively. By working with many examples and case situations, you'll learn how to apply Transactional Analysis along with many other new techniques to get thr most out of your relationaships with subordinates, supervisors, clients, partners and colleagues. Specially designed exercises will help you apply these new ideas to your own life and job situations...and draw up your own personal plan for success.
By the Co-author of the Best-Selling Born to Win.

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