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Chandler Soy Wax 125° for Container Candles

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Product Description

Ideal For

  • Glass Container Candles
  • Aluminum Tin Candles
  • Tea-Light Candles

Nature at it's best is the only way to describe this all natural, domestically grown, soy wax. This container candle wax is capable of holding up to 5-6% fragrance. Specifically designed for use in containers.

Chandler Soy 125 is made with 100% natural soybeans that are domestically grown. This product is manufactured meeting FDA and Kosher standards. Soy 125 is a blend of soy and soybean oil that will hold higher fragrance loads than the Soy-120. Soy-125 can be used without the addition of other ingredients but you may add either palm stearic or beeswax to the blend for maximum performance. The addition of these products will help with overall quality of the waxes and will help the waxes hold and disperse higher fragrance loads.

Wax Blend Consistency: Soft
Fragrance Capacity: 5-6% (1/2 oz per lb)
Candle's Finish: Creamy Qpaque
Pouring Temp: 110-150°F
Melting Point: 125°F

Heating, Pouring & Cooling
Soy 125 should be heated to temperatures of 165 to 180º in water-jacketed heaters, double boilers or in a direct heat wax heater. When using Soy 125 you should always avoid heating the wax for extended period of times. Doing so can discolor the wax. It's also recommended not to take the wax above 200º F. Vegetable waxes can begin to oxidize at elevated temperatures.
The recommended pouring temperature is 110-150º F into a preheated container or jar. This wax can be poured as low as 120°F, if pouring at this temperature the fragrance must be added just before pouring. The wax then must be agitated vigorously at this temperature before pouring into the preheated jar/container. Because of the low shrinkage properties of the wax it's only intended for use in jar/container candles. Do not force cool, let the candle solidify at ambient temperatures.

Soy 125 can be used without the addition of other ingredients or additives. The addition of palm stearic, beeswax and palm waxes will help with the overall quality of the waxes and will help the waxes hold and disperse higher fragrance loads. We suggest blending Palm Stearic at 10-20% or beeswax at 5-15%. These ingredients can be added before the soy is completely melted or after.
If adding these ingredients it's recommended to pour the blends at 150-160ºF. Depending on how you market the wax; the following additives are very effective in the waxes; Vybar 260 and Microcrystallines. Always use UV stabilizers.

Fragrance & Color
Most fragrance oils can be used with soy. The maximum amount of fragrance the 125 will hold without other ingredients is 5-6% (1/2 ounce per pound). Certain oils can be used at higher loads but they will need to be tested on an individual basis. Most dyes will work well in the soy, we have found that certain liquid dyes can cause undesirable results because of their solvent base.

Wick Selection
Using the correct wick is essential in the Soy 125 for a desirable burn. Soy 125 like many of the natural waxes is very viscous and can make the wick selection rather difficult.
We have assembled the following guidelines to assist you.

2 to 2.5" Wide Containers use Wicks RRD-29 nst 2 or RRD-34 nst

2.5" to 3" Containers use Wicks RRD-37 nst 2 or RRD-40 nst 2

3" to 3.5" Containers use Wicks RRD-40 nst 2 or RRD-47 nst 2

3.5 to 4" Containers use Wicks RRD-47 nst 2 or RRD-55 nst 2

Containers 4" and larger use multiple wicks.

If using color blocks, buttons or powdered dyes we suggest heating the wax up to 180º and stir vigorously until the color is fully dissolved.

bullet_cream_with_green_checkmark.jpg Natural/renewable resource
bullet_cream_with_green_checkmark.jpg Only requires one pour, no top off is necessary
bullet_cream_with_green_checkmark.jpg Environmentally friendly
bullet_cream_with_green_checkmark.jpg 100% biodegradable
bullet_cream_with_green_checkmark.jpg Excellent and uniform adhesion to any container wall
bullet_cream_with_green_checkmark.jpg Product is manufactured meeting FDA standards

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