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Beet Root Organic Powder/Liquid Concentrate Bulk

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Product Description


Some possible benefits of Beet Root powder include:

  •  Diuretic effects
  •  Purifying the blood
  •  Betaine - plays an important role in the health of the cardiovascular system
  •  Folic acid B8 (biotin) - assists with the production of insulin
  •  Zinc - helps protect against fatty deposits in the liver & boosts the immune system
  •  Normalizing the blood's pH balance
  •  Naturally detoxifying the liver & spleen
  •  Helping to regulate proper blood pressure levels
  •  Dimethylglycine - (also known as DMG) may promote healthy heart & cardiovascular system
  • Through a chain reaction, your body changes nitrates from the beet into nitric oxide, which helps with blood flow and blood pressure.

Beet Root Powder provides a wide range of nutrients, but its most significant phytochemical is betaine. This plant chemical helps the liver and kidneys recycle the amino acid methionine to maintain the body's stores of s-adenosyl-methionine, more commonly known as SAM-e. Betaine also helps the liver process fat. This prevents the accumulation of fatty tissues in the liver (steatosis), especially in heavy drinkers, and it also helps moderate triglycerides and LDL cholesterol in the blood. The American Heart Association, recommends beet juice to promote healthy blood pressure.

Beet Root Powder is a wonderful cleansing and nourishing tonic that builds the blood, particularly improving the blood quality for menstruating women. It also normalizes the blood's pH balance (reducing acidity) and purifies the blood by flushing away fatty deposits and improving circulation. Further supporting its role as a blood purifier, Beet Root has been used to detoxify and heal the liver and spleen.

Beet roots are rich in potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and calcium as well as vitamin A, B and C. Beets are a unique source of phytonutrients called betalains which give beets their dark red color. Betanin and vulgaxanthin are the two best studied betalains from beets, and both have been shown to provide antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and detoxification support.

Beet root is hepatoprotective. In animals tests it has been used effectively to keep fat from depositing in the liver. This is probably due to the herb's concentration of betaine.

Beet powder is used in pasta and tomato-based sauces, such as spaghetti and barbecue; in dry gravy mixes and sauces; salad dressings; meat, fish, and poultry coatings, and cakes.

In Indian medicine it is used for coughs and infections.
This powder is plum in color, and can be used to dye soaps a wonderful, earthen, deep yellow (yes, yellow) color.

According to A Modern Herbal (Volume 1, A-H) by Margaret Grieve,'The root contains about a tenth portion of pure sugar, which is one of the glucoses or fruit sugars and is very wholesome. It is softer than cane sugar and does not crystallize as well as the latter. There is a treacle principle in it, but this renders it all the more nutritious.'
'Canesugar has to be converted by the digestive juices into fruit sugar, before the body can absorb it, but the sugar present in the Beetroot is already in the more easily assimilated form, thus making the Beet a valuable food. Its sugar is a force-giver and an energy creator, a source of vitality to the human body. Besides its tenth portion of pure sugar, Beetroot has as much as a third of its weight in starch and gum.'
'The Beet makes an appetizing vegetable, plain boiled, stewed, or baked and a good pickle, and in Russia forms an appetizing soup - called Borscht - the red root in this case being made to exude all its juice into a rich, white stock.'
'A pleasant wine can be made from the roots and an equally good domestic ale has also been brewed from Mangolds. A considerable amount of alcohol can be obtained by distillation.'

Organic Beet Root Liquid Concentrate is available listed above as 'Liquid Extract'. Great for use as an all-natural red food coloring, base for a beet root soup or as is for a delicious nutritious drink. Ingredients: Distilled water, beet root.

Botanical Name: Beta vulgaris rubra
aka: Red Garden Beet, Sugar Beet, Spinach Beet, White Beet, Mangel Wurzel, Sea Beet
Origin: Organic: China; Non organic: China/Peru/USA
Notes: Non-irradiated. QAI Organic Certified. Certified organic to NOP standards. KCS Kosher. Approx. 4 cups(dried)/lb. Sun dried and raw

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