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Alfalfa Sprouting Seeds Organic Bulk

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Product Description

High Germination Salad Sprouts Seeds for Planting, Gardens, Cooking, Food Storage or Delicious Salad Sprouts: Sprouts Are High in Vitamins A, B-1, B-6 and C, Folic and Pantothenic Acids, Niacin, Potassium, Iron and Phosphorous & Chlorophyll.

Alfalfa is North America’s favorite sprout and is considered more nutritionally concentrated than other sprouts, primarily because of its rich concentration of minerals. It will act as a diuretic, will benefit the urinary and intestinal systems, and will help to detoxify the body. Alfalfa’s rich content of nutrients include protein, carotene (equal to carrots), calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, vitamin K, bioflavonoids, and abundant chlorophyll. It also contains 8 enzymes which help assimilate protein, fats, and carbohydrates.

Organic Alfalfa sprouts are what people typically think of when you mention organic sprouts. They are the ones you commonly see at a salad bar. Rich in phytochemicals, organic alfalfa sprouts protect against cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis and fibrocystic breast disease. They stimulate natural killer cell activity, which strengthens the immune system.
What's more, organic alfalfa sprouts are beneficial in reducing symptoms of PMS and menopause, including hot flashes. Furthermore, they contain high concentrations of antioxidants, the body's defense against the destruction of DNA which is the cause of aging. Alfalfa sprouts are abundant sources of vitamins A, B, C, E and K, the minerals calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. Also carotene, chlorophyll, amino acids and trace elements. They contain 35% protein. Organic Alfalfa seed can produce over ten times the seeds weight in sprouts, one pound of alfalfa seed produces 10-14 pounds of sprouts
High Germination Rate
Perfect for Edible Seeds
Gardening, Hydroponics
Growing Salad Sprouts
Survival Food Storage
Use in Cooking

Quick serving ideas
Sprouts make great replacements for lettuce on sandwiches
Sprinkle tossed green salads with a mix of alfalfa and broccoli sprouts.
Make a powerfully healthy burrito by adding a handful of sprouts.

Growing your own sprouts is healthy, fast, fun and inexpensive. Fresh sprouts liven up any salad, soup, sandwich or stir fry, and our sprouting seed mixes make an excellent healthy snack.

Certified Organic products are non-genetically modified, chemical and pesticide free and are just as nature intended.

Sprouts represent the point of greatest vitality in the life cycle of a plant. During sprouting, vitamin and enzyme content increases dramatically. The sprouting process predigests the nutrients of the seed, making it easier to assimilate and metabolize: starches are converted into simple sugars, proteins into free amino acids, and fats into free fatty acids.

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